About Us
At your service

In the Chabad Houses, and in all their activities, the Shluchim are Abraham’s heirs; all their doors are open.
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In 1986, Rabbi Victor Atiyah and his wife Devorah Nechama (neé Nachshon) opened the Chabad House in Kiryat Arba to serve the local community and the area. Today, having expanded to seven Shluchim families, the work of Chabad of Hebron has expanded. On a weekly basis, thousands of IDF Soldiers protecting the region are offorded an open home, giving them a much better perspective on their time in and around Hebron.
As Chabad Chassidim we consider ourselves “Lamplighters,” always ready to share the spark of Yiddishkeit with another. Our commitment is driven by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, whose warmth, wisdom and unparalleled love for the Jewish nation, fueled his mission of reaching every Jew in the world, near or far.
Whether they are residents, soldiers, security personnel, frequent visitors or tourists, Chabad of Hebron provides for them with physically and spiritually.
In 2002, Rabbi Danny and Batsheva Cohen, (Danny, just ten years removed from his own service in the Givati Brigade of in the IDF), joined the team, officially establishing a Chabad branch within the city limits of Hebron aimed at serving the soldiers protecting the land, spiritually, emotionally and physically.
From day one on the job, with a full three years of army service under his belt, Rabbi Danny proudly stood at his post as the Rebbe’s emissary in Hebron feeling a deep connection to the soldiers on duty in. Indeed, even today, the soldiers are moved by his sincerity and concern, responding to the programs offered with an open heart and mind.
In addition, with the deep and rich history Chabad boasts in Hebron, we have assumed responsibility for maintaining the Chabad properties, keeping them active to this day. Beginning in the 1800’s with the Mittler Rebbe, the second leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, the Rebbes of Chabad purchased properties in Hebron.
After the vicious massacre of 1929, when the Jewish people were driven out of Hebron, these sites were abandoned. After a decades long absence from Hebron, we have restored and re-energized several of these special locations, returning them to their holy, intended purposes: learning Torah, praying and hosting farbrengesn, Chassidic
gatherings (and, of course, saying L’Chaim!).
With a steady stream of tourists, even under harder times, always filing through Hebron to visit the city, the Machpeila and to connect in their own way, Chabad of Hebron is proud to welcome properly, ensuring that their stay is a memorable one. It is our aim that each visitor be able to bottle that connection and take it back home with them.
And of course, although the amazing and passionate people who live locally in Hebron are all religiously observant, we know that they too can use the encouragement and spiritual reawakening that Chabad Chassidut provides. With our Torah and Chassidut study groups and special programs for adults and children, Chabad of Hebron/Kiryat Arba becomes a go to address for the whole family.
Although we operate as an independent entity, fully and entirely funded by our supporters, we are part of the worldwide Chabad-Lubavitch movement’s network of centers aimed at introducing a love for Torah and Mitzvos to usher in Moshiach Now!